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goodbye platforms,
hello neighbourhoods

Net-connected communities require similar basic tools to function; It’s invisible, cultural patterns that create unique forms of social cohesion and interpersonal credibility.

These patterns make relationship development possible, determining things like: How do people find and approach each other? How many ‘likes’ makes something visible? What factors determine the arrangement of our social feeds?

generic tech,
specific culture

Neighbourhoods is a design philosophy for Holochain hApps that helps groups intentionally design and share their specific cultural patterns.

It centers on the Reputation Interchange, which we're building to help communities engage more transparently and effectively, internally and with other groups, for just about any purpose requiring shared understanding among members!

coherence within and across neighbourhoods

Reputation makes behavior meaningful in the context of each Neighbourhood's culture. We think it can become the social foundation for a new, community-focused distributed web that's about more than trading tokens.

The Reputation Interchange enables reputation portability across social spaces, providing a way of understanding individuals' and groups' behavior in context. This way Neighbourhoods can share information without losing the rule set that originally made it meaningful at the group level.

create from a commons-based marketplace

The Reputation Interchange is also at the center of our low-code marketplace.

From the marketplace, you can choose Holochain widgets, stitching together little pieces of interoperable code, without having to write it yourself. If you’re a developer, you can also contribute to the marketplace. Think a chess game, seed-sharing, or meme-sharing tool.

Widgets provide only and exactly basic functions, leaving community members the freedom to choose everything else!

The low-code marketplace tracks code contributions and use, enabling a range options for supporting developers and the commons.

As of December 2021, $NHT has been deployed on the ETH and MATIC chains. You can find it on decentralized exchanges, like SushiSwap, QuickSwap, and Uniswap.

read a detailed version here

NHT Community Offering

Completed "community offering" of $NHT, December 2021, doubling our target. More about the Offering here.

Meme Share Prototype (MVP 1.0)

“MVP” demonstration of reputation dynamism and its effects on social feed ordering.

Open standards for NH-compatible modules

Documentation of standards for hApp modules that handle reputation data compatible with rep_lang and the reputation interchange.

Reputation Wallet & Profile

An accessible means of visualizing reputation for members of various neighbourhoods.

Community Activator Bootstrapping Wizard

A tool from which available modules, reputation data types, and more are indexed and selected - the bones of the NH low-code marketplace.

NH Governance Dashboard

A tool for maintaining a neighbourhood, including responding to reputation data sharing requests, altering reputation computations, and adding additional hApp modules.

Hackathon for Reputation Design

Opportunities for early adopters to contribute designs that reflect their needs to our emerging set of reputation data types.


An interpreter for a lambda calculus-based, simply typed language: written in Rust and developed in-house for use on reputation data.

Rep_lang Playground

A testing ground for rep_lang that creates functions for, and computations on, reputation data as Holochain entries.

hApp module <> Rep_interchange plug-in

Architecture for plugging hApp modules into the rep_interchange and making reputation data usable in both.

Rep data type conversion (bridging 1.0)

Conversion between an interchange instance and a hApp which is able to interface with the interchange. Such hApps have their own Holochain Entry types which may be convertible into/out-of rep_lang data types.

Reputation Portability (in MVP 2.0)

Passage of rep data between two interchange instances, in cases when the same rep data type is shared across interchange instances and when different data types are shared, requiring conversion.

Testing Transaction Settling in $NHT

Test accounting for a set of composable hApp modules, with transactions settled in $NHT.

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